Infectious Diseases Outpatient Clinics
The Infectious Diseases and Immunology Center, located at The Miriam Hospital, is the largest provider of outpatient care in Rhode Island for patients with infectious diseases. Our renowned infectious diseases clinicians provide specialized care in confidential and comfortable clinic settings.

Contact Us
180 Corliss Street, Suite E
Providence, RI 02904
Phone: 401-793-2928
Our outpatient clinics include:
- Infectious diseases consultation program works with providers in the community, as well as provides follow-up care for patients with infectious diseases acquired during hospitalizations
- Comprehensive HIV primary and specialty care services are dedicated to helping those with HIV/AIDS live longer, fuller lives
- HIV/viral hepatitis co-infection program cares for HIV-infected persons who also have hepatitis C (HCV) or hepatitis B (HBV)
- HIV menopause clinic is committed to helping HIV-positive women who are also experiencing menopause
- Viral Hepatitis Initiative offers consultation and treatment for people diagnosed with viral hepatitis
- RISE Clinicprovides specialty consultation related to tuberculosis care in partnership with the Rhode Island Department of Health
- Community Infectious Diseases Prevention Clinic
The Miriam Hospital is also a key partner with the Rhode Island Department of Health and other community agencies in providing prevention counseling and testing services for infectious diseases that impact the health of the community. These diseases include HIV, STDs, viral hepatitis and tuberculosis. Our prevention services are additionally supported through a broad array of testing and prevention initiatives through the Providence/Boston Center for AIDS Research.