LifePACT Critical Care Transport Service
Critical Care Transport Service
LifePACT has two critical care transport teams: a pediatric team and an adult team. Both teams include a critical care nurse, paramedic, and emergency medical technician (EMT). These specially trained teams provide medical care during the transport of patients.
Contact Us
Referring doctors at other hospitals can contact our transport team at 401-444-3000.
The team provides transportation to:
- Emergency departments
- Cardiovascular intensive care
- Medical intensive care
- Neurological intensive care
- Pediatric intensive care
- Respiratory intensive care
- Surgical intensive care
- Trauma intensive care
- Kidney transplant services
- Fire and EMS community assisted requests
- Comprehensive stroke and IVR centers
LifePACT Critical Care Patient Care Services
The LifePACT critical care team can provide a variety of patient care including, but not limited to:
- Cardiac monitoring/pacing
- Advanced airway management/RSI
- Chest tube management
- Ventilator management
- High flow oxygen management
- Medication IV pump management
- Blood product administration
- Invasive hemodynamic monitoring
- Femoral sheath maintenance
- Ultrasound, Doppler assessment
- Ventricular assist device management
- Intra-aortic balloon pump management
- Point of care testing
Ground Transport Services
LifePACT ambulances have the capabilities of a mobile ICU. We are equipped with special features that aid in the care and comfort of our patients:
- Headsets for communication among the entire transport team; may also be used for patients, family and additional members
- A secure seat for a family member, with a video screen that is linked to a camera focused on the patient
- The pediatric ambulance interior is decorated with child-friendly artwork designed by artists from Hasbro, Inc.
- Patient stretchers retrofitted with custom attachments to accommodate all medical equipment and devices
- WiFi capabilities for continuous monitoring and use of equipment and software
- GPS equipped vehicles for accurate response and transport times
Transfer and Access Center / ExpressCare
When a call is placed to request a critical care transport, a member of the ExpressCare team coordinates the transport. One of our experienced ExpressCare nurses assist in transferring or admitting patients. ExpressCare coordinates each transport to ensure that every patient experiences a safe transition of care.
LifePACT Critical Care Transport Service Locations
LifePACT Critical Care Transport/ExpressCare Transfer and Access Center
Hasbro Children's Hospital
593 Eddy Street, COOP – MOC 5th floor, Suite 555
Providence, RI 02903