Trauma Patient Registry
Trauma is defined as any severe or life-threatening injury. The National Center for Health Statistics lists trauma among the five leading causes of death in the United States.
Most often, trauma is the consequence of a motor vehicle crash, a fall, drowning, a gunshot wound, fires and burns, a stabbing, or assault with a blunt instrument.
Trauma kills more people between the ages of 1 and 44 than any disease or illness. Nearly 100,000 people of all ages in the United States die from trauma each year, roughly half of them in automobile crashes.
But it is our children and young adults who are most affected: according to the National Center for Heath Statistics, trauma (unintentional injuries plus homicides) causes:
- 43% of all deaths from age 1 to 4
- 48% of all deaths in ages 5 to 14
- 62% of all deaths in ages 15 to 24
Our trauma patient registry is a confidential, computerized information record of patients that helps medical staff better understand the needs of trauma patients and helps ensure the quality of care the patient receives. The information also helps to educate the community in trauma prevention activities, to propose and support trauma legislation and to provide a basis for trauma related research.
Contact Us
For more information about the trauma patient registry, please call us at 401-444-4812.